Monday, 23 March 2009

Background to the 'Bit of Background' :: Introducing Senga, Betsie and Tallulah!

I feel that it would be wrong to continue my blog and just gloss over the five month gap, as if I just had a massive sleep. On the other hand I am gagging to share the present. So with a drink by my side and a good CD playing I've settled myself down. I'll have a read over my blogs to date and see where I was at and then play 'join the dots' with the advantage I can move the dots to suit.

Well I've got half way through my personal recap and am realising I've missed bits out and its maybe not as clear as it could be. I'm thinking a retrospective re-blog might be needed.

Okay so I have made a list of things I should have said and things that I deliberately omitted at the time and think the clearest thing is starting from year dot, but with a bit of background first. 'Year dot' in this case is when I moved from Glasgow to Dyserth, a little village in North Wales, and the 'bit of background' is a potted history of my antics from leaving drama school to 'year dot'.

Are you sitting comfortably, then I shall begin ...

Background to the 'Bit of Background'

It all started just after Christmas 2004. My bestest mate in the whole wide world had returned from a week in deepest darkest arse Narnia (which is my favourite term for the back of beyond) having spent Christmas back home at his parents. Naturally being my best mate and only having mobiles, texts, emails, msn, carrier pigeons, the Royal Mail, smoke signals and flairs to keep in touch we felt like we been apart forever and a day. He suggested that I head over to his and we have a good old catch up over a bottle (litre naturally) and as his flat mate was away I could crash in her room, the next day we could sort out his place for the new year party. Well a little after new year I finally moved out of his flatmates room - probably in truth as she was due home.

Easter 2005 a similar thing happened and after a week and a bit of living together and getting up to our usual antiques and drunken nights - god that really doesn't limits it doesn't it - my best mate ...
[oh lord, I can't keep calling him 'my best mate' and saying his actual name seems wrong, sod it we shall call him by his drag name - not that he does drag, but one drunken night we discussed what our drag names would be. He is Senga Gloriosa and I'm Betsie (after I tried to coil a 30 meter length of rope around my arm like it was a washing line, he shouted over
"Ho Betsie, your washing-lines kinked hen!")
After many a drunken discussion and over time Betsie has developed an alter ego: Betsie when she is scrubbing floors and Tallulah! when she has a drink in her. Anyway I digress] ...
Senga said to me,
"If we have managed to live together this long without a row then maybe we actually could live together"
We have a habit of very spectacular rows, followed by quickly making up. Actually not so much making up, more like an episode of the Simpson's, we simply reset the next day. It works rather well.

Anyway I am telling a very short story long and to cut to the chase we decided that we could probably live together in the future.

A little footnote to all this.
  • Senga and parcanboy have never slept together, and are both very relieved about this.
  • Senga often passes out in Tallulah's! bed.
    (by this point in the evenings proceedings parcanboy and Betsie have given up and retired as characters from this evenings plot, leaving Tallulah! holding the fort).
  • Senga and parcanboy are like an old married couple: we fight like cat and dog; have no sex life together; don't want a sex life together; we probably could each use the thought of the other naked as a delay tactic during coitus; love each other dearly (although seldom admit it) and would probably be lost without each other.
  • Senga and parcanboy have never had 'one drink' but often go for 'one drink'.
  • Betsie started writing this, Tallulah! is finishing it.

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